dissabte, 16 de gener del 2010

Un nou projecte de recopilació de fragments

Vet aquí un nou projecte, dirigit per Monica Berti, centrat en l'edició de texts fragmentaris grecs i llatins:


Fragmentary Texts is a project edited by Monica Berti and devoted to models and methodologies for collecting and representing Greek and Latin texts of classical antiquity that have been preserved in fragments.

By “fragments” we mean both physical fragments – as, for example, fragments of architectural elements, scraps of papyri, or broken inscriptions – and indirect fragments, i.e. quotations by surviving authors, who quote, paraphrase, summarize or allude to authors and works that have not survived. Particular attention will be given to the category of “indirect fragments”, discussing its meaning and the complexity of the reconstruction of the relationship between a textual fragment and its source of transmission.

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